Tonsil Stones Expert

Remove Tonsilolitos o Caseum


Many people suffer from caseum in the tonsils, but they do not even know they are suffering from this caseum or tonsilloliths, are those white balls of the tonsils do not cause many inconveniences, but if a repulsive odor that comes from the back of the throat, where The caseum balls of the amygdala are present. These are white to yellow in color and sometimes you may not be able to identify them, other than to notice some discomfort in the back of the throat.

Problem for many years. There are several nasal sprays and pills that work by neutralizing the sulfur produced by anaerobic bacteria. However, it is a patch, because the caseum balls are still there. The only thing you do is to extend the agony that you suffer by having to disguise in any way, that smell that emanates from your mouth.


Consumption of strong flavored foods or beverages such as garlic, raw onions, cabbage, etc.
Vitamin supplements (especially in large doses).
Bad dental hygiene: Most people forget to brush their tongue.
Dental caries.
An infection of the throat.
Lung infection.
A disease in the gums (gingivitis, gingivoastomatitis).
Dental abscess.
Impact tooth.
Presence of a foreign body in the nose (usually in children).
Pharmaceutical products.

CASEUM: It may appear from one day to the next, check that your tonsils do not have those annoying white little balls inserted in them.


Possible white balls in the throat have a common effect: you have to treat them. The bacteria problem, therefore, to a very nasty fetid effluvium. One can however distinguish the different causes of white pellets in the throat:

He says that sometimes people suffering from these balls are ashamed to treat them, as these white lumps (of bad smell could add) can act as nodules or centers.

First Cause of white balls in the throat:

Eliminar CASEUM o Tonsilolitos Herpes Oral: A viral infection that affects our mucous membranes of the body that occur in the mouth or vagina. Oral herpes however, can spread to the throat and come out as white balls in the throat. Oral sex with someone with herpes can also cause this phenomenon. Small, white-looking blisters that over time can leave painful scars on the throat.

Second cause of white balls in the throat:

Candidiasis: One of the most common reasons to detect the presence of white balls in the throat is candidiasis. This is a type of yeast infection that affects several parts of the oral cavity, as we know it. This affects the upper part of the tongue, but this sometimes extends to the throat which leads to white balls forming in the throat. This type of yeast infection is very rare, although it is necessary to mention that the spread of the infection to the throat usually occurs with people who have a weak immune system.

Third cause of white balls in the throat:

Eliminar CASEUM o Tonsilolitos Tonsiloliths or Caseum: Amygdala or caseum,, are produced on the surface of the tonsils that leads to white balls in the throat and tonsils. These small deposits of bad smell can be small or large and sometimes can be so large that it causes difficulty swallowing. Thus, these white balls in the tonsils are the result of calcium deposits in the crypts of the tonsils (cryptic angina) as these are the places that can present such calcareous deposits. This is the most common cause of white lumps in the tonsils. It is easily identified by the bad smell that comes out of the mouth that is often embarrassing for one and annoying to the interlocutor. Clusters of calcium deposits.


Several methods are used to reduce symptoms or eliminate the problem:
- Mouthwashes.
- Extraction or expulsion of the caseum: a technical procedure performed by a ENT (otorhinolaryngologist).
- In certain cases: the reduction of the tonsils by means of a laser or the ablation of the tonsils.


Eliminar CASEUM o Tonsilolitos

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"The horribly bad breath he suffered with Por 3 Years had completely disappeared after a matter of days and he never had a single tonsil stone."

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